Unitarian Universalists

Welcome to Unitarian Universalists at Riderwood.

Who are the Unitarian Universalists at Riderwood?

We are a “Covenanting Community” of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Covenanting Communities claim a UU identity and advance UU values, but they look and feel different from a traditional congregation. Covenanting communities include small meeting groups, missional communities, intentional living cooperatives, national networks, and more.

Some of us are current or former members of Unitarian Universalist congregations in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Others were members of UU churches in other parts of the nation and world before coming to Riderwood. Others are new to Unitarian Universalism. We welcome all who find something here that sustains them.

Our chaplain,  Rev. Ashley Burczak, an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, holds a B.A. in Comparative Religion from Barnard College, Columbia University and a Master of Divinity in Ecumenical Studies from Union Theological Seminary in New York.

What we stand for

Unitarian Universalists believe that the development of spirituality is a journey that draws upon experience and reflection. We affirm an approach to life that encourages openness and questioning, rather than calling upon certain beliefs. We encourage each person to engage in life to the fullest of our capabilities.

What We Offer

We hold a chapel service the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m.In the Riderwood Chapel. This gathering may be led by a local minister or an active lay leader. In other weeks, we offer a variety of engaging events.

Thursday, May 16
Worship, 1 PM, Riderwood Chapel and RWTV 977

What is Your Mission?
Speaker: Rev. Ashley Burczak, Chaplain


Upcoming Events

Third Thursday May 16 1 PM Chapel
Speaker: Rev. Ashley Burczak
Sermon:What is Your Mission?

Fifth Friday May 31
11 AM Lakeside Commons Card Room
Open Discussion: What Would the Titles of the Chapters of Your Life be?
12 PM Blue Heron Pub
Casual Lunch

First Thursday June 6 11 AM
Town Center Classroom
Discussion: What is Unitarian Universalist Theology?



  • If you are fully vaccinated and boosted, you are not required to wear a mask in small gatherings. 
  • Masks are required for everyone at in-person gatherings of 30 or more.
  • Masks are required for unvaccinated persons in all locations and situations.

Liberal Lines

Liberal Lines is the monthly newsletter of the UU’s at Riderwood. It offers information about activities of interest to our community. Want to be on our mailing list? Please contact UUs@riderwoodlife.com

Steering Committee

Activities of the Unitarian Universalists at Riderwood are coordinated by a Steering Committee composed of nine members. The Steering Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Village Square Classroom. Andrea Nicolls serves as Chair of the Steering Committee.  

Special Message from Rev. Ashley

Dear Ones,

It is with mixed emotions that I write to you today to share the news that I will be moving on from my ministry at Riderwood and allowing the Steering Committee to recruit my replacement in the coming months.

My ministry at Riderwood has been profoundly enriching and rewarding, and I am sad to leave this community. As you know, my mother has ongoing health challenges that will require my support, and I must be realistic about the demands this will likely make on my time in the long term.

The Steering Committee is initiating a search process, which will be ongoing for the next few months. In order to allow for a smooth transition, I have offered to overlap my time with a new Chaplain to help orient them to Riderwood through July.

I want to express deep gratitude for the support this community has offered me and each other through these five years together. Through a global pandemic and all its unprecedented challenges, you have remained unfailingly kind and a joy to minister to. I believe that this community will continue to grow and become increasingly vibrant in the coming years. I know you will continue to serve as a beacon of justice and the liberal religious tradition at Riderwood and beyond.

With deep gratitude,
Rev. Ashley

Rev. Ashley’s Departure

There is nothing as important as family. We in the UU Community hope and pray that Rev. Ashley’s mother recovers her full health.

We will miss Rev. Ashley’s sermons, classes and thoughtful discussions on the many relevant topics that touch our lives. We will also miss her many visits and phone calls to those who are in need of comfort care.

Meanwhile, a Search Team composed of Andrea Nicolls (Chair), Judy Groves and Jeri Holloway from the Steering Committee is working with the main UUA organization in Boston to hire a new minister whom we hope to have in place by the summer.

In order to facilitate the search process, the Search Team is asking our UU members to participate in a Listening Session. We will ask for your opinions about what qualities you believe our new minister should have. Within the next week or so, look out for details about the time and place for this event.  

In the meantime, I hope everyone will join me in wishing Rev. Ashley and her family well.

Andrea Nicolls (Chair, Steering Committee, Unitarian Universalists at Riderwood).


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